With the use of ultrasound , CT and MRI scanning, adrenal tumors are being discovered at an earlier stage today. In fact, a diagnostic dilemma occurs when an adrenal mass is discovered on a routine scanning. Most of these masses are fortunately benign adenomas, but a diagnostic work-up should be done to discover whether the mass produces hormones or is cancer.
Pheochromocytomas can occur outside the adrenal gland and may be difficult to find. An extensive search is appropriate for anyone with typical signs and symptoms, even if scans of the adrenals are negative. Most of these tumors can be identified by MIBG scans.
Blood and Other Tests
• Endocrine studies (blood and urine tests).
• Serum chemistry profile.
• CT, MRI, I-131-MIBG or ultrasound scans.
• Chest x-ray or bone scan to detect metastatic lesions.